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Pilot on re-usable boxes to Solar Norway

We are cooperating with Solar Norway to reduce packaging and together we have made reusable plastic boxes, tailor-made to fit Solar Norway’s products. These boxes will be re-used many times to avoid unnecessary disposable packaging. They will replace cardboard boxes, Euro pallets and pallet frames, making the shipments more effective.

The project is already a great success, according to Solar Norway – even before the project is finalized.

  • We are amongst the first in our business in Norway to implement tailor-made plastic boxes (120x120x120), and we are highly satisfied, says Transport Manager Hans-Jørgen Zink with Solar Norway.

Greener solution

The new boxes are sustainable in many ways, as waste from cardboard boxes is removed. They also ensure more room to load more products on each pallet, as a bonus.

300 plastic boxes are produced, which are both robust and user-friendly. After the plastic boxes end of life – they are recyclable.

Solar Norway and ColliCare producing new boxes
  • The goods in our assortment vary in size, which can be inconvenient to transport. Our experience with the new boxes is that the utilization rate with the carrier improves, leading to fewer emissions. To obtain 100% usage is hard, but we are getting closer, Transport Manager Hans-Jørgen Zink says.

More effective

The new plastic boxes also utilize the loading area on each truck better, and by using these plastic boxes we save substantial time in our terminals. The whole operation becomes more effective by having fewer reloads and the boxes also take up less space on the terminals. Calculations show that we save 35-40% of the loading and unloading work, which is a substantial amount, Sivert Vestre claims, who is Development Manager Domestic in ColliCare Logistics.

We are already looking into similar solutions for other customers, meaning this product is here to stay. 

Read the full article on Solar Norway’s homepage;