Back Rail freight in China

Send your goods by rail

It looks like the situation with congestion, tight capacity, and high rate levels will continue into 2022.

Now in 2022 we still see waves of Coronavirus as well as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia affecting the logistic situation.  

Due to the Ukraine/Russia situation, and closed boarders between the two countries, our rail transports from China now follow an alternative route. As for now our transports and customers will not be affected.

For shipments from China to Norway, we still advise you to add rail to your plans!

ColliCare has been developing rail freight from China to Norway since 2019, and we now can offer weekly rail service with stable volumes. In 2021 we successfully launched block trains service which has been well received by the market. In 2022, we will carry on with the steady service and extend our service range further.

  • despite soaring freight rates for Sea- and Air freight, Rail freight rates remain relatively stable, which can be an economical option for you

  • compared with Sea freight the transit time of Rail freight is reduced by half, with about 28-30 days

We offer a regular rail service from Xi’an to Oslo, with multiple departures every week.

Please have a look at our monthly Rail freight schedule.

Get in contact with us for more information, booking, capacity, price, or other enquires!